Jan 14-20, 2013 – T1/2 practice schedule

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  • #7092


    Hey there team,

    First – great job T2s on great racing this past weekend in Drayton Valley. There was alot of improvement in effot and focus over the weekend (it was nice to see that you were tired after your races on sunday!). Well done!

    Here is the week

    Tuesday, Jan 15
    T2s – 430 – 630 – strength in the gym followed by classic skiing with Pate
    T1s – 500-630 – classic skiing with Carol and Roy

    Thursday, Jan 17
    T2s – 5-630 – skate skiing with Roy
    T1s – 5-630 – skate skiing with Gerard and CArol

    Saturday, Jan 19
    BCRR #2 – COP Calgary – info at http://www.bcrr.ca/league.php?scriptName=LEAGUEINFO&leagueID=9899&leagueInfoID=35571 Registration at https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=4205&lan=1&cartlevel=1 Registration deadline is Thursday, Jan 17, 1159pm. T1/2s – these are target events for our team – it would be most awesome if everyonewas able to make it.

    Sunday, Jan 20
    World Snow Day Events at Canmore Nordic Centre

    Boyz Got Game – this event is for boys aged 9-14 – 1-4pm – presented by Canmore Nordic – special guest 2010 olympian Sean Crooks – link to registration http://www.canmorenordic.com/main.php?p=599

    Fast & Female with ambassador Sara Renner. 1-4pm at http://www.canmorenordic.com/main.php?p=599

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