Jan 24-Feb 6 training

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  • #6744


    Hi Team

    I am away for the next 2 weeks, Jeff will lead a couple shooting sessions but you will all be mostly focusing on skiing/physical for the next 2 weeks with Alain and Roy.

    For shooting, we will continue to work on quick set-ups and smooth/relaxed, rhythmical shooting.

    Week 1:

    Practice times for the next 2 weeks below will always be 4:30-6:30pm

    Tuesday (25): Z1 SK ski and gym strength (with Roy)

    Wednesday (26): Team room, 4:30-6:00pm. Z1 classic ski. Bring classic rock skis and old poles as we will be going off trail to have some fun…..

    Thursday (27): SK Speed combo with Jeff, Garth? Brad?

    Weekend: Either XC AB Cup in Edmonton OR do the RMSC on the Sunday! http://www.canmorenordic.com/main.php?p=290

    Week 2:

    Tuesday (1): SK Speed combo with Jeff, Garth? Brad?

    Thursday (3): SK Speed combo for those not at XC Westerns! Those going to XC Westerns will leave in the a.m. Good luck!

    Weekend (4-6): Either XC Westerns! OR

    (for those not at XC westerns, get in this training volume so you fast for the final half of the season!):
    Friday (4): 1hr Z1 run or ski (CL or SK)

    Saturday (5): 2hr Z1 ski (CL or SK)

    Sunday (6): 2hr Z1 ski (CL or SK).

    I’m back Feb 6th, so will see you all the following Tuesday at practice.

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