January 10 – 16 UPDATED FRIDAY 9AM

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    Alain Parent

    Hello Team 😀
    Kendra, Phil, Russell, Pate, Annika and myself are back from Thunder Bay. It was a very successful trip with Russell and Annika being named to the Canadian team to race at the World Junior Championships in Estonia the next few weeks. A great accomplishment and the first CNSC athletes to achieve this since Chandra.

    It will be cold this week, but we will try to squeeze in some groups workouts. Make sure you visit the forum before each workout as the plan might change at the last minute.

    Tuesday (11):
    Team room, 4:30-5:45pm. Z1 Classic ski with technique and downhill action. Check the forum again at 3pm before coming out.

    Wednesday (12): Team room 4:30 to just after 6:00pm. Short warm-up classic ski, strength in gym. Bring indoor clothing/shoes.

    Thursday (13): No XC group session today. You are welcoe to join the biathletes for a classic ski or other options for training are: 1) Easy Z1 classic ski for 45-60min 2) 30min run + home core for 20min

    Friday (14): Training on your own. 45min easy run

    Saturday (15): Z1 classic ski with 12 X 5sec sprints in double poling (5sec = 5 strong and fast polings). 1 every 1min. Total time for this workout 1.5hrs

    Sunday (16): Z1 skate ski (finally!) in the middle of the day. Do 3 X 4min at Z3 (10km race pace) if it’s -15 or warmer. Rest 5min. Just do distance if it’s still cold. Total time for this workout 1.5hrs.

    Alain will wait until the cold snap clears before distributing training plans. See a separate posting on the new prescription method.

    Weekend in Edmonton: The Edmonton AB Cups have been postponed. We will circulate more information to you as soon as we get some…

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