January 13-19 *Updated Friday @ 9pm*

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello TTs,

    Great work on Saturday to everyone out there racing their hardest and leaving it all out there on the course.

    January 15 is the deadline to sign up for nearly all of the remaining races of the winter on the club spreadsheet. Sign up here so you don’t miss out! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-iwvXKnzDyoLd2Xe2hHOxOuYiugBCXU5fpQg-IbYAzs/

    Typically on a Monday after a race weekend we would not have Monday training, but due to the Sunday race being canceled, we will have a normal week. Due to the cold, we will be inside for training most of the week. We will have some last minute changes, so please check the forum before coming to training. I will do my best to keep training in town to facilitate easy travel to the sessions.

    Monday(13) 5:00-6:00 @ Origin in Spring Creek in the MOVEMENT ROOM- https://goo.gl/maps/aSpnjm3KBeAeZwLT9
    Monica was able to line up a room at Origin for us to use today. Come with a water bottle, clean indoor shoes, and indoor active wear ready to run, jump, do some strength.

    Tuesday(13) 5:00-6:30 @ Canmore Nordic TEAM ROOM 
    Rifle cleaning + WORLD CUP WATCHING PARTY. Please bring a potluck style snack to share for the WC watching portion. **Indoors the entire time. You can wear whatever you like.**

    Wednesday(15) 5:00-6:00 @ Origin in Spring Creek in the MOVEMENT ROOM- https://goo.gl/maps/aSpnjm3KBeAeZwLT9
    At Origin again, but a new exciting routine lead by Evan and Justin! Come with a water bottle, clean indoor shoes, and indoor active wear ready to run, jump, do some strength.

    Saturday(18) 12:30-2:00 @ CNC
    Classic Distance Ski- It is supposed to get above -20C, so lets go Ski! Meet at the teamroom for a distance classic ski and a little no pole work to get your weight shift going well. Macx will be leading the session.

    “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” ― Albert Einstein

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