January 15th – 21st *Updated*

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    Matt DeCarufel

    What an amazing weekend out in Kimberley! There was lots of great racing and fun times had out there. I was able to catch up with most of you to talk about your races, but be sure to take a minute to think about your race. Take away 1 positive thing from each race. Whether it was climbing 1 specific hill, attacking a downhill, focusing on technique, lunging at the line, or pushing yourself to the limit and leaving it all out on the course. Always look for 1 thing from the race day.

    Lots more action coming at you this week with Western Canadian Championships/ AB Cup 5&6 up in Red Deer. If you are doing all 3 races, that means 4 straight days of skiing/racing, so it is important to get some rest and come into the weekend with good energy.

    Monday 15th
    No team training- recover from the weekend.

    Wednesday 16th 5:00-6:30 @ CNC
    Classic Ski focusing on striding and herring bone. It is important to balance training and rest, and I do not want to have anyone train/race 5 days straight at this point in your development. So, if you will be training in Red Deer on Thursday and racing Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, take today off. The season is long and we do not want to over do it now.
    Wax with Rodi Violet Extra. Straight Violet will most likely not have enough kick with a high of +3.

    Thursday 17th 3:00-4:15 @ River Bend Nordic in Red Deer
    Skate Ski- course inspecion
    Directions to Red Deer Ski Trails: https://www.google.ca/maps/dir/Canmore,+AB/River+Bend+Golf+%26+Recreation+Area,+3800+River+Bend+Drive,+Red+Deer,+AB+T4P+0Y4/@51.6792572,-114.5624352,8z/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m2!1m1!1s0x5370c59595456331:0x46b6315f9e1e692e!1m2!1m1!1s0x53745577244a7425:0xe65579d04f5228bd!3e0

    Friday 18th AB Cup 5/ Westerns Skate Sprint

    Saturday 19th AB Cup 6/ Westerns Classic Mass Start Distance

    Sunday 20th Westerns Skate Provincial Relay

    If you are not racing in Red Deer, it would be great to get together with your friends/family/teammates and go for a XC ski over the weekend. There will also be a team training session for those who did not race in Red Deer on Monday from 5 to 6.

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