January 16th – 22nd **Updated 18th**

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    Alain Parent

    Amazing racing out there at Kimberley this weekend! It was so great to see you all embrace the challenge of narrow trails and also a long race 5.4km on Sunday. I was really impressed with how well you organized yourselves on both race days and to see how much fun you had racing somewhere different.

    Monday 16th
    *Just a friendly reminder that to all of you to take a few minutes to reflect on your recent racing experiences (Biathlon and XC) and make some notes in your journal 😛 Here’s a guide:
    –two things you did well in the race
    –one to two things to work on/improve on for next time

    Tuesday TT Biathlon
    Regular training – 6:30-8:00

    Wednesday 18th @ CNC
    Rhonda will lead. Skating working on pacing – learning what each of the zones feels like; followed by some technique intervals. Head lamps are ESSENTIAL since you will likely be heading on to some of the unlit trails. Be ON TIME and wear your drink belt!

    Saturday 21st @ Moraine Lake Rd, LL 9:50am – 12noon
    Classic distance – Rhonda to lead, please communicate with her about your attendance rdelong@telus.net. Meeting at the trail head of Morain Lake Rd at 9:50am with some waxes in hand. Rhonda will advise you on what to put on, please be on time so that you can start skiing at 10am 😛 Make sure you have a full drink belt and a snack, plus a cork and wax AND a change of clothes to put on after your ski. Parents are welcome to join!! (Leaving a lunch and extra water in the car is also advised.)

    Built 4 Speed – Bragg Creek, Saturday 21st
    If you want to be involved in a super fun race then head down to Bragg Creek on Saturday for a variety of skill challenges and a good time. You will have received the race notice via email, here is the registration link for Zone4. There will be no formal coach but look out for Warren Wilson and Nikki Williams when you’re there!

    Stay afraid, but do it anyway.
    What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident.
    Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.
    Carrie Fisher

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