January 17-23

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  • #14882

    Alain Parent

    Monday (17):
    Multi, Primo, Team Trail Sports Development

    445-630. Skate ski. Arrive at 445, ski OYO for 15min then meet at flag row at 5pm.

    Tuesday (18):

    Jackrabbit coaching night. No LC training.

    Wednesday (19):
    Multi, Primo, Team Trail Sports Development

    445-615. Classic ski. Arrive at 445, ski OYO for 15min (with your 3 X 8sec sprints) then meet at flag row at 5pm. Intensity/relays.

    Thursday (20):
    Primo, Team Trail Sports Development

    445-630. No strength in the gym this week. Bring skate skis, boots and poles AND classic poles. Meet at flag row.

    Saturday (22):
    Multi, Primo, Team Trail Sports Development

    930-1115. Skate. Distance with speed work. Meet at flag row.

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