January 17 – 23 UPDATED

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  • #6176

    Alain Parent

    Hello Team, I hope you had a good weekend. It was definitively warmer than Edmonton (it got to a high of -20.5 up there this weekend).

    A few things to keep in mind this week:
    – Make sure you sign the doodle for the Westerns if you haven’t done so already: http://doodle.com/87n8wzdfw4ynuvgf. Deadline is this Thursday (20). We will send you more details on this trip after the deadline date.

    – Becky will send you new information on the rescheduled Edmonton AB Cups on January 29-30; leaving Canmore on the Friday (28) morning. We need to get this organized this week.

    – You haven’t been racing much this past month. I recommend going to Nipika on Saturday (22) to do the Nipika Loppet in classic. I will be there and will help you out with waxing. Register for the 10km classic on http://www.zone4.ca before Friday (so I know who’s coming). Pick up your race package before 10:30am at the Nipika Barn; race starts at 11am. Nipika has some great trails to race on; different than the CNC (softer snow and narrow trails which is excellent practice for you). WAX RECOMMENDATION FOR NIPIKA LOPPET: GLIDE WAX YOUR SKIS WITH A FLUORO GLIDE WAX SUCH AS SWIX HF7 OR SOLDA PERFORMACE RED OR ANOTHER WAX FOR TEMPERATURE AROUND 0 TO -5. MAKE SURE THE KICK ZONE IS CLEAN AND SAND THE ZONE WITH #100 GRIT SANDPAPER AND FOLLOW WITH THE APPLICATION OF A BASE WAX SUCH AS SWIX VG35 (BEST) OR TOKO GREEN. HEATING IN THE BASE WAX FOR 10SEC WITH AN OLD IRON OR HEAT GUN IS BEST.

    – Make sure you send me the email address that you will use to connect to http://www.trainingpeaks.com. I will send you back a username and password. The calendar format of the software is really easy to use. Using Training Peaks will allow me to make changes mid-stream into a week. Please get on this asap so it doesn’t drag on.

    Sessions for this week:
    We are entering a speed focus block this next week. This means lots of short burst and some technical work as well.

    Tuesday (18): 4:30-6:30pm, team room. Z1 skate distance and sprints followed by strength in gym.

    Wednesday (19): 4:30-6:00pm, team room. Z1 skate distance and sprints. Short session today.

    Thursday (20): 4:30-6:00pm, team room. Classic skiing. Another short session.

    Saturday (21): Nipika Loppet. See details above

    Don’t put your rock skis away yet! More details soon………

    Congratulations on reading this far; it was a long post. A quote for you:

    “Victory isn’t defined by wins or losses. It is defined by effort. If you can truthfully say, ‘I did the best I could, I gave everything I had,’ then you’re a winner.”
    Wolfgang Schadler

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