Hello Team, here’s the plan for this week:
Make sure you sign up for the Red Deer AB Cups by Tuesday at 11:59AM if you are attending. See separate post.
Tuesday (21): T3/LC. Skate skiing and strength in gym. 4:45-6:30pm
Wednesday (22): T3/LC. Classic skiing with some strength primers in the gym. 4:30-6:00pm
Thursday (23): No team training tonight. Go for a run after school. 30min + stretch for 10min if you are attending the AB Cup, 45min + the same primers as yesterday (for 1993-95-96, 3 sets of 5 reps for each exercises, 1 exercise every 90sec) or home strength if you are 1998-99 and not going to Red Deer.
Sat & Sun: AB Cup in Red Deer. See trip details circulated by Matt.
And finally a rock star quote:
“Passion, not pedigree, will win in the end.”
—Jon Bon Jovi