January 24-30

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  • #6750

    Alain Parent

    Hello Team, good job racing at the Nipika Loppet……. we are now finalyzing our preparation for the Edmonton Ab Cups. See details below.

    Tuesday (25): Team room, 4:30-6:00pm. Z1 & Z4 ski skate sprints and relays. Please bring a headlamp.

    Wednesday (26): Team room, 4:30-6:00pm. Z1 classic ski. Bring classic rock skis and old poles as we will be going off trail to have some fun….. Register for Edmonton AB Cups before 8pm today…

    Thursday (27): No group training today, but check the forum anyway as I will be posting what to do with your skis before departing tomorrow.

    Friday to Sunday: Edmonton AB Cups (or RMSC in Canmore). We will have a fun time up there and hopefully find time to go at the West Edmonton Mall Water Park. I will email you with more details early this week but for now you need:
    * A ride
    * Organize to leave Canmore on Friday between 10-11am

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