January 24-30

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    Alain Parent

    Monday (24):
    Multi, Primo, Team Trail Sports Development

    445-615. Skate. Prep intensity for Westerns. Arrive at 445, ski OYO for 15min (with your 3 sprints of 8sec) then meet at flag row at 5pm.

    Tuesday (25):

    Jackrabbit coaching night. No LC training.

    Wednesday (26):
    Multi, Primo, Team Trail Sports Development

    445-545. Classic. Short distance ski. Apply a normal layer of Swix VG35 basewax, heat it up with a heat gun or iron then cord. Use Rode Multigrade purple on top (3 layers)

    Thursday (27) to Sunday (30):

    Western Canadians in Red Deer. Check trip document sent by Matt for more details.

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