Hello Team, I hope you had a good weekend and are well recovered because we are now starting our preparation for the second half of the racing season. Yes, we are already half done with racing for this year! Time flies. Let’s make the second half even better
There is a classic mass start BCRR race this weekend for 1996 and younger, and I would like all of you to do it. Make sure you register here if it’s not done already: https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=2743. Deadline is Friday at noon. Other skiers (1994-1995) will help me lead the wax testing and wax application of CNSC race skis. More details later.
Nationals: Please complete the Nationals doodle if you haven’t do so already: http://www.doodle.com/fkmei9bbvvqybui5
Edmonton AB Cups: Please complete the CNSC spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjD4IpvHy8sWdFFheXN0Rm5EbnZGQndvUHpCVGYzb0E&hl=en_US#gid=0
Tuesday (31): Team room 1630-1800. We will do some Z4 skate intensity. Please try hard to make this workout as it ties in with the volume you did on the weekend.
Wednesday (1): Team room, 1630-1830. Z1 classic + strength in gym. We will have an athlete team meeting for the last 15min so please try to be here today. It will most likely be Swix universal klister for wax (unless it snows). Please make sure you are ready to be on snow at 1630.
Thursday (2): Team room, 1630-1800. Z1 skate with a few short sprints. XC AB Winter Games meeting at 6:30pm today.
Friday (3): Register for BCRR if you are born 1996 or later.
Saturday (4): BCRR, Canmnore. Classic mass starts OR race support. Check http://www.bcrr.ca for race details and starts later in the week
“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which those who dream only by night may miss.”
—Edgar Allan Poe