January 30th – February 5th **Updated

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    Alain Parent

    We are starting to make some real progress with our technique and developing some strategies for racing which is super but we have a lot more racing to go this season so make sure you keep yourself healthy by drinking during workouts, dressing appropriately for the weather (and workouts) and getting enough sleep. More work to be done this week 😛

    Monday 30th @ CNC
    Classic skiing working on technique changes and herringbone! Wax recommendation Rode Multigrade – make sure you have a stick of Violet in your drink belt too. The skill development activities will take place off the lit trails so skiers without a headlamp will not be able to join the session. HEAD LAMPS and DRINK BELTS essential.

    Tuesday 31st TT Biathlon
    6:30-8:00 Mock Race – Get ready for a pretend race tonight!

    Experiences Canada Exchange Feb 1st – 7th
    Allison, Alaric and half of the TT crew will be away on the Exchange.

    Wednesday 1st Feb @ CNC
    NO WORKOUT – Due to exchange and limited number of coaches available.

    Saturday 4th – NO WORKOUT
    Due to the exchange there will be no Saturday workout. Get out and go for a ski with your buddies or your family.

    Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work.
    John R. Wooden

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