January 4-10 *** Updated

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  • #7841

    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello LCs,

    Christmas break has come to an end and many of you got in some good training, or needed rest for those of you who were sick. Edmonton still has not received snow, so they have not posted a new date for AB Cup 3/4.

    Don’t forget to vote for the Cub Athlete of the Month! The link is at the top of the forum.

    Training this week:
    Tuesday (5): 4:30-6:30 Strength and skate skiing.

    Wednesday (6): 4:30-6:00 Classic intensity.

    Thursday (7): 4:30-6:30 Skiathlon practice. Bring both skate and classic gear and we will work on exchanges and combining both skating and classic in the same session. Talk to your coach on Tuesday if you have NNN on one and SNS bindings on the other.

    Saturday(9): Start is now delayed, check your email Skiathlon Time Trial. Meet at the teamroom with both skate and classic gear. . Bring a Chang of ski clothes for after the time trial. We would like the LCS, PCS and WSS to help out with the built for speed event. You will only ski for about 20 minutes with a designated group of little track attackers.

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