January 5-11

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello Team,

    The holidays are over and it is back to reality. Hope that you all got some good rest over the break and are all energized for the new year. Some great training coming your way this week to get you all tuned up for WESTERNS!! There will be a good bit of intensity and speed work, so be sure to get in quality recovery (food/sleep/stretch/roll) so your body can absorb all the great training you are doing.

    For all the sessions (this week especially) ensure you have your heart monitor, it is working, and you know your training zones. If you need to print them off and bring a copy in your pocket, that is much better than guessing. There will be quite a bit of intensity, and it is important that you are working in the proper zones to have the ideal training effect.

    Registration deadline for Westerns is MONDAY January 12, 2016 23:00 MT. Register on Zone4 as usual. https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=8070&lan=1&cartlevel=1

    Tuesday(6): 4:30-6:30 LC1/LC2- Classic ski and Strength. Look at the weather and dress/wax appropriately.

    Wednesday(7): 4:30-6:15 LC1/LC2- Skate intensity. Bring your headlamp. All biathletes who trained Monday-Rest day.

    Thursday(8): 4:30-6:00 LC1/LC2- Skate intensity. Bring your headlamp and be ready to work hard tonight.

    Saturday(10): 10:00-11:30 LC1/LC2- Classic intensity.

    “If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.” – Colin Powell

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