January 8-14

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  • #17882

    Mark Naylor

    How quick things change! We’ve updated the forum to reflect the new postponement of AB Cup 3/4 to next weekend. Couple changes below to Saturday’s session, and our biathlon session. Thanks!

    Hello U14’s

    Hope you’ve all had a wonderful break! Talking with many of you last session, sounds like quite a bit of outdoor time was found over the weekend which brought me lots of joy.

    Westerns/AB Cup 3&4 is scheduled for this weekend, however with the current weather forecast we are waiting for an Organizing Committee call for a possible cancellation or postponement. When we have more details we will update this forum, or if need be email the relevant details.

    We’ve got a lot contingent on the weather this week, thanks for your patience as we move things around and adapt to the cold! We will be working our best to make schedule calls as early as possible to give a bit more flexibility!

    With the race season in full swing now, don’t forget to stop by the Race Signup Sheet and make sure you’ve selected what races you know you’ll be for, and where you’ll be out!

    Now let’s get to the action:

    Monday(8) Classic Ski @ CNC.
    5:00 – 6:30. After a little break it’s time for some classic action, meet in the stadium.

    Wax recommendation: Monday.

    Tuesday(9) Skate Ski @ CNC.
    5:00-6:30. Meet in the stadium. If you are not attending Friday’s race prep practice, please leave your race classic skis in the team room for waxing for the weekend.

    Thursday(11) Biathlon @ CNC.
    4:30-7:30. SCATT Training in Nordiq/Biathlon Canada Offices (Building next to the BWTC).

    We’re trying something new that U14 athletes have not been a part of previously (lucky you!). The SCATT system is a laser attachment on the end of your barrel which live updates to a computer screen. We can track multiple groupings, watching what happens to your shot at all stages. Think the EcoAim screen, but a lot more bigger and more tools to use. 

    Please note the SCATT system is only as useful as you make it. We can show you what it looks like when you shoot but only you can change your shooting style to adapt to what you see. 

    You’ll have a 45min session with Stu, Kerstin and myself available. We will have two systems going at once so 2 athletes per 45min slot. Sign up link HERE.

    Friday(12) Skate Ski @ CNC.
    5:00-6:00. This session is contingent on AB Cup 3/4 going ahead this weekend. If this is the case we will update with the relevant details. If AB Cup 3/4 is cancelled we will shift this session back to Saturday, and likely with a cold weather adjustment.

    Saturday(13) Indoor Strength + Performance Talk
    1:00-3:00. We will be doing a split session, an hour of strength, and an hour on race day preparation and how to work through competition stress. Meeting location Day Lodge lobby. Please bring a note book, water bottle, indoor clothes and shoes (we may be asked to not wear shoes, so clean socks too please!)

    Sunday(14) AB Cup 4
    Skate mass start competition.


    We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” – John F. Kennedy

    (For our friends at Saturday’s session- that ones for you!)

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