January 9-15

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  • #8109

    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello LCs,

    I am very sorry for the delay in getting this forum post up. Racing down here at US Senior Nationals has been quite full on with everything from -29 to +4 and heavy rain, and I lost track of the days.

    Now that you are back in school, we will resume the usual schedule of training Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday (unless we are away racing, then it may differ).

    The large majority of you will be hitting the road for Westerns in just over a week, so training will lighten a little to help your energy levels rise a bit and come into form for the event.

    Training this week:
    Tuesday(10) 4:30-6:30 Everyone will Classic Ski first then hit the gym for strength. Meet at the teamroom.

    Wednesday(11) 4:30-6:30 Skate Distance with light speed work. Meet at the teamroom.

    Thursday(12) 4:30-6:00 Skate Intensity. We will be going for it pretty hard this evening, so don’t eat a big bowl of pasta right before training. Meet at the teamroom.

    Saturday(14) 10:00-12:00 Classic Distance. Meet at the teamroom.

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