January 9th – 15th *Updted 9/1*

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    Alain Parent

    Phew! It’s been cold out there! I hope you all still managed to get some fun activities in over the Christmas/New Year period despite the cold. Just a friendly reminder about the Norwegian saying: There is no bad conditions, only bad clothing! Dress appropriately for how cold it is and make sure you’re covering your head, hands and zipping up you jacket even when you’re not working out.

    Monday 9th January: @ CNC **Updated**
    REST for all those who raced Calforex Cups on the weekend.
    Indoor fitness challenge. Meet at the Bill Warren, you will need $7.50 to use the gym. Make sure you have a clean pair of indoor shoes for the gym, a drink bottle and your training journal/pad. 😛

    Biathlon 10th January: 6:30-8:00 Skate

    Wednesday 11th January: @ CNC
    Skating working on offset and technique changes. Headlamp and drink belt necessary!

    Kootenay Cup 1 & 2 – Kimberley BC- 13th-15th
    You need to enter by Wednesday 11th at 11pm:

    Friday 13th – Travel to Kimberley. If you have time arrive and go for a ski please do however there will be no formal training session that day.
    Saturday 14th
    Mass start skate – course preview and team warm up will be held before 11am.
    Sunday 15th
    Individual start classic
    **See trip document emailed out for full details.

    Never say never because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.
    Michael Jordan

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