July 1st – 7th

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  • #18507

    Caitlin Campbell

    Hello Biathlete’s,

    Happy Canada Day! Hope to see many of you out at the run. We will also have a tent set up at LGMS with Eco Aims tomorrow morning for a Biathlon Demo, so feel free to stop by and show the public how it is done!

    Summer is here and with that we will make the switch to morning training sessions, the typical weekly schedule is as shown here: Summer Schedule however with July being quite full with camps things will be adjusted as needed. I know this can make getting to and from training a little bit of a challenge but hopefully everyone can arrange carpooling and get some extra hours in by biking to training. This allows everyone to have Summer evenings free for other activities and family time.

    Training this week will look a little bit different as all of us biathlon coaches will be on the Haig from July 2-9th so there will be no shooting sessions this week, we will make up for this later in the summer!

    Kaslo camp details have been emailed, If you have questions, ask myself (Caitlin)

    Training this week:

    Canada Day Run! Have fun laying down your best time.

    Hike into the Haig for those going, see the XC fourm and your emails for more details. No training for others.

    9:00-11:00 Skate Rollerski Meet @ BWTC – Distance day with XC, Heidi and Anna Parent will be leading this session. Be sure to give them a big Thank you.

    9:00-11:00 Running Intensities @LGMS –  led by Heidi and Anna.

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