July 23-29

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  • #9152

    Alain Parent

    A great 3 weeks of training to everyone. Lots of fitness and technique gains! Here’s the plan for this week:

    Monday (23): LC/LC+/RAD women. 9:00-10:30am. Meet at the Quarry parking lot. Have a micro breakfast only. Running intensity. No afternoon strength today.

    Tuesday (24): T2 and non-Haig LC/LC+ ONLY. 9:00-10:30am. Meet at Eagle (beside Iron Goat). We will go for a 1.5 easy run.

    Wednesday (25): LC/LC+/Block 2 RAD. 9:00-10:30am. Team room. RS-Sk with speed.

    Thursday (26): LC/LC+/Block 2 RAD. Leave your home at 9:30am on your bike and ride it around until we meet at 10:00amm at the bwtc for strength. Meet at the BWTC entrance as per usual. We will be done around 11:15 and you can ride your bike back home.

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