July 4-10th shooting block week #1

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  • #6876


    Hi Team

    First week of summer training!! 😀 😀 😀 With school behind us for a couple months we can focus well on training and still have plenty of time in the day to relax (or work! 😀 )

    We will meet a lot from Monday-Thursday this week to get in the physical and shooting training. This will be the first of 3 summer shooting blocks.

    Monday (4):
    a.m. Z1-2 classic rollerski + Speed + ski strength. Meet at Harvie Heights parking lot, finished at top of Silvertip. 10-11:30am

    p.m. Precision shooting 2:30-4:30pm

    Tuesday (5):
    a.m. Shooting 8:30-10:00am, followed by running + agility + strength in gym 10am-noon. Bring indoor and outdoor runners.

    Wednesday (6):
    a.m. Z1 run from Banff, start run at 10am from riverside trail trailhead(drive by Bow Falls, then on one way bridge pass golf course to end) to Canmore Nordic Centre (back around noon or 12:30pm). Bring water, snack and bear spray.

    p.m. Precision + combo shooting 2:30-4:30pm (bring runners!)

    Thursday (7):
    a.m. Shooting + combo (bring runners) 8:30-10:00am, followed by rollerski SK + strength in gym 10am-noon. Bring indoor and outdoor runners, we will warm-up for the gym running, then rollerski after strength.

    Check training peaks for your individual training workouts from Friday-Sunday.

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