July Practices

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  • #9128

    Rachel Koroscil

    Please enter all times you are away on Training Peaks.

    July 2nd to 9th – Whole Team is Away – Kaslo Physical Training Camp

    Tues, July 10th:
    9-10:30 Training with XC.
    10:30 to 12:00 Static shooting after physical training.

    Thurs, July 12th:
    8:30 to 10:00 Shoot then go to strength practice from 10-11:30.

    July 15th to 20th: Whole Team is Away – Camrose Biathlon Camp.

    Sat, July 21st: 12-2:00 This day is mainly for the T2s but if you want some extra shooting and didn’t get enough in Camrose you are welcome to come. Please let me know if you are coming in advance.

    Mon, July 23rd:
    9-10:30 *Different time than normal. Running Intensity Combo in Range

    Tues, July 24th:
    No Training with XC today,
    8:30-10:30 Shooting Games

    Wed, July 25th
    9-11:30 Long Distance with XC.

    Thurs, July 26th:
    8:30-10:00 Shooting
    10-11:30 Strength

    Sat, July 28th: 8:30-10:00 – Just a bonus session before I am away.

    I am away July 29 to August 5th. Petr and Jeff will run sessions

    Monday, July 30: No shooting, joining XC.

    Tuesday, July 31st:
    9-10:30 Training with XC. See XC Forum for Details

    Thursday, August 2nd:
    8:30 to 10:00 Shooting
    10:00-11:30 Strength

    No Practice over the long weekend. Training will resume August 7th.

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