July training sessions and practice plans

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    HI Team:

    Here is our summer schedule. I will be off to school saturday the 4th. I will be back July 22nd until August 3rd, then off again from the 3rd to around the 21st.


    week 1:

    Tuesday (7): physical with Alain. Z1 Rski SK with sprints. Harvey H parking lot. 9:00am start.

    Wednesday (8): Z1 CL combo with sprints. Jeff, Garth, Rich? 8:30am start. Working on trigger control. Please review on powerpoint (page 7).

    Thursday (9): Z1 run to Banff on Riverside trail. 9:00am start, team room. Alain.

    Friday (10): Z3 Rski SK combo. 8:30am start. Jeff, Garth, Rich? coaching. Please review trigger control powerpoint slide (page 7).

    week 2:

    Tuesday (14): physical session with Alain. Z1-4 Ski striding. Meet Cougar Creek parking lot. 9:00am.

    Wednesday (15): Z1 SK combo with sprints. Follow-through work. Please read powerpoint presentation on follow-through (page 8,9).

    Thursday (16): Strength in BWTC. Guys get new plan, girls use existing plan. Alain to lead. LC & T2: meet at 9am. TC & TW meet at 10:15am.

    Friday (17): Z3 running combo. 8:30am start. Jeff, Garth, Rich? coaching. Please review follow-through slide (page 8,9)

    Week 3/4:

    Tuesday (21): Uphill Rski TT. 9:00am start warm-up.

    Wednesday (22): Z1 SK combo and sprints. Garth, Rich? to lead. 8:30am start.

    Thursday (23): DP test, meet team room 9:00am. Use same equipment as last time, ideally skate skis for older athletes. Roddy back from school to lead.

    Haig Camp athletes (TC/TW):
    Friday (24):
    TC/TW: Leaving NC team room at 8:30am for Mt. Shark. Please have a ride out planned. Precision and Z1 run combo. Back to Canmore 1:00pm (bring some food). RODDY & help

    Saturday (25):
    TC/TW: Leaving NC team room at 8:30am for Mt. Shark. Please have a ride out planned. Precision and Z1 run combo. Back to Canmore 1:00pm (bring some food). RODDY & help

    Sunday (26):
    TC/TW: Precision only. Leave NC team room at 9:00am, have a ride planned. Back to Canmore by 1:00pm (i.e. sessions finishes around noon). Bring some food. RODDY & help

    Monday (27)-Friday (31): Haig Glacier volume camp. More details to come later from Alain. Alain and Roddy coaching.

    ** It will be colder up at Mt. Shark so bring some warmer layers. Bring a rain jacket as well.

    K-Country Camp athletes (LC’s):

    Friday (24):

    AM: T1 & T2 & some LC’s physical training. Z1 & ski stride at Mt Shark. Leave team room at 8:30am. Training 9:30 to 11:30am. KATHY

    PM: T2’s & LC’s shooting. Drills, precision and run. 12:00 – 2:30pm, Shark. RODDY

    Saturday (25):

    AM: physical training, Elbow Falls. Mt-biking around Sulphur Springs??. Meet Radisson at 8:30am

    PM: physical training, Elbow Falls. TBD. Rollerskiing?? Telephone loop??

    Sunday (26):

    AM: physical training, RS-CL Z1 & Z3 intensity (or Time Trial on path). Nakiska. Meet at Radisson at 8:30am

    PM: shooting at Shark for T2’s & LC’s (1-3pm). Running combo and drills. RODDY

    Friday (31): Z1 running combo and precision with Garth, Rich?

    *LC’s in a recovery week from 27-1st whil TW/TC are on the Haig Glacier.


    week 1:

    Tuesday (4): physical LC+. 5x1min Z5 ski striding. Meet Cougar creek. 9:00am start. Alain. Roddy back at school.

    Wednesday (5): Z1 CL combo and precision. 8:30am start.

    Thursday (6): physical LC+ Z1 and sprints SK. Meet Harvey heights 9:00am start.

    Friday (7): Z3 Rski SK combo. 8:30am start. Jeff, Garth, Rich?

    Week 2:

    ABC CAMP for TC/LC.


    Tuesday (11):
    TW Z1 montane traverse. Meet at Cougar Creek, finish at Harvey heights parking lot 9:00am start.

    Wednesday (12): TW Z3 Rski sk combo with Rich or Garth or Scott (my dad). 6x5min Z3 (mass start and sprint simulations). Target focus work.

    Thursday (13): TW’s with XC: Z1 up sulfer x3. Meet cemetery parking lot at 8:30am.

    Friday (14): ABC Camp. TW biathlon time trial with Rich or Garth or Scott? Individual format race (P,S,P,S). 5×2.0km loop. Target focus work.

    The following weeks plan is still being developed, but that should give you a good heads up off what is to come. I will be returning from school for good around the 21st of August. Keep the 22nd and 23rd open for now as I would like to have a Biathlon TT that weekend.

    all practice plans and the powerpoint is attached below!!

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