JUly8 – 14

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  • #6597


    Hi Biathlon crew. I hope those of you who were on the Bike camp had an excellent trip. For next week I would like to propose 1 change to the regular schedule. If this is not possible please let me know – Its just that I plan to go to the Rodeo on Tuesday so would not be able to run a session that day. Schedule would be this:

    Monday 8th. 11-12:30 ** this is the proposed change.
    Wednesday 10th. 4:30-6:00
    Thursday 11th. 8:30-10:00

    As the other sessions either before or after the biathlon session is physical training we will continue to focus on shooting only during the biathlon time frames.
    My email is: geretcoyne@gmail.com

    Have a good weekend.

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