June 1 – 7 schedule

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  • #6339

    Alain Parent

    Hello Team –

    Great work at the Radium camp. Based on my observations, the camp was either too easy or you are way fitter than last year! I think it’s the second option….

    Here’s the plan for this week. Please forward me your activities for the next 4 weeks so I can build your training program (exams dates, busy days, time away, etc…)

    Tuesday (2):
    AM: TW: RS-SK. Start 9:00am at team room. 1.5 hrs for all. Scott will take some video that you will watch after (+ Radium double poling).

    PM: LC/TC: RS-SK. 4:30pm at team room. 1.25 hrs for LC’s, 1.50hrs for TC’s. Scott will take some video that you will watch after (+ Radium double poling).

    Wednesday (3):
    Easy recovery session on your own. Less than 1.5 hrs of biking, or about 1.0 hrs of running in low Z1. LC’s to take off 15 minutes from this. Take a full rest day if your energy level is 7/10 or less.

    Thursday (4):
    PM: TW/TC/LC: Ski striding Z5 intensity (bring CL poles). Meet at Cougar Creek parking lot at 4:30pm. We will be done at 6:15pm.

    Friday (5):
    Strength in the gym evening for TC girls (biathlon and XC). Meet in the BWTC gym after school to do strength training. A coach might or might not be there with you. The idea is to get together to do your strength training.

    Training on your won as per your training plan.

    “Sweet is Pleasure after Pain”
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