June 10-16

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  • #6697

    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello Team,

    Welcome back ADT athletes.

    A few housekeeping items:

    1) If you have not signed up, please register for the program via zone4. Remember that the fee goes up by $100 on June 16th. Details for post dated cheques are posted when you register. Link here: https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=4895

    2) The deadline to have a heart monitor at every practice (LC required, T3 highly encouraged) is quickly approaching, June 15th. Hopefully you have one or are in the process of getting one.

    3) It would be great if 2-3 parents could help man a station for the amazing race on Thursday. Email Alain if you are interested.

    4) There are some new day/time slots for LC’s to sign up for individual meetings. Please click here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjD4IpvHy8sWdC0yYURkajVKTXNhTm9fUmtfaFpzOXc&usp=sharing

    For team training this week we will have two sessions:

    Tuesday, June 11: Run and strength at CNC,17:15-18:45. Be sure to have clean shoes for the gym.

    Thursday, June 13: Canmore Nordic Amazing Race – Urban edition. We will start and finish at the Riverside Park, 18:00-19:30. Please arrive at 18:00 for instructions and we will get the first team off at 18:10. Bring your running gear. Teams below:
    1. Peter – Morgan, Clara, Ty, Anna P, Thomas H
    2. Colin – Marc, Lea, Thomas M, Megan, Kota
    3. Emmy, Matt – Reed, Amy, Claire, Lance, Katrine
    4. Nelson – Lauren, Karly, Logan, Lucas, Sophie
    5. Ben, Natasha – Sam, Anna S, Devin, Robin
    6. Georgia, Nicola – Xander, Josh, Cassidy, Oranne
    7. Riley, Mitch – Kirsten, Olivia, Mel, Emma
    8. Aidan, MollyJane – Andreas, Anita, Fynn, Saidy
    9. Team of Parents who are up for the challenge???

    Keep up the good work! We’ll see you on Tuesday.


    Rachel Koroscil

    Hello Biathletes:

    Training times for this week:

    Tuesday – June 11 – 4:30 – 6:00 w/ Jeff – please bring a mountain bike
    Thursday – June 13 – 4:15 – 5:45 w/Geret – then Tour de Canmore
    Friday – June 14 – 1:00 – 3:00 w/Geret



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