June 11 – 17

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    Hello T2s. It’s a big week with some deadlines and our club triathlon on Saturday. Here are the details:


    Program registration – by June 15
    Regular rate in effect until June 15th. The $100 late fee automatically kicks in on June 16th. Don’t forget cheque drop off at bwtc. We have been running training sessions for 5 weeks now, it’s time to register and pay!

    Backpack trip sign up – by June 15
    Please let us know if you are interested in participating
    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc … 0czaGhvVFE

    Training for this week:

    Monday (11): Swimming at the rec centre, 2000-2100.

    Tuesday (12): Come right after school for swimming, 1500-1600 followed by run. We will be done at 1700. Meet at 4pm at the rec centre if you can only make it to the run part of the practice.

    Wednesday (13): 1630-1800, team room. Mt biking and running. We will practice transitions and look over the bike course for Saturday. If we have time, we will do some core strength. Bring all the necessary equipment.

    Thursday (14): try for an hour of physical activity – something low intensity – soccer practice works, a bike ride works, maybe a run with your Dad.

    Friday (15): aim for an hour of zone 1 (low intensity) activity – anything you want. Finish it off with some core exercises.

    Saturday (16): CNSC triathlon. Swim – run – bike (in that order). We need about 6 parent helpers (email me, Kathy or Roy if you are available). Someone will need to drop off your bike at the CNC early on Saturday morning. The swim will start early (~7:30am ish). More details on Wednesday.

    Sunday (17): try to get out for a hike for 2-3 hours with your family!

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