June 11-17 * Updated for the weekend

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    Alain Parent

    Great week of training we just had. Some good work in the gym and great speed on the track! Lots of different type of training this spring which is great. Note that we will have our first rollerski session of the new year on Tuesday. Check your wheel nuts and bindings to make sure all is good!

    Please register for your program. You save $100 if you register by June 30th. 30% of the fee needs to be paid by June 30th. https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=18264
    We will have our first Uphill Monitoring Run on Tuesday, June 26th
    Register for the 5 or 10km Canada Day Run on Zone4

    LC+: Please register for a Functional Movement Screening time slot on June 21st: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hi-IgK-GqHZ-Fpp2JdiZkBMr0_bLqLvWRvh-BOYBk04/edit?usp=sharing

    Tuesday (12): T2/LC/LC+: 4:45-6:15pm. Classic rollerskiing at the CNC. Meet at the team room. Don’t forget your bike helmet

    Wednesday (13): LC/LC+. 4:45-6:15pm. Strength in the gym. Meet at entrance of bwtc.

    Friday (15): Special strength session for 2004’s (and Ellie!). See circulated email. 1:30-3:00pm

    Saturday (16): We don’t typically cancel, delay or move workouts due to rain. We will do that for today since we are running a testing session. We try to have dry conditions so we can compare test results from time to time. We are moving the running threshold test to SUNDAY 10:00-11:30AM AT THE LGMS TRACK. Do not eat a large breakfast, keep that for after! Make sure you have a heart rate monitor and strap or phone a neighbour to borrow one. We will record your average and maximum hr for the test. It would be great to do something active on Saturday. You could move your Sunday workout to Saturday or do your own planning. Nothing hard or too long. Maybe it will clear in the afternoon. I know that some of you can’t make it today. We can also use the Uphill Monitoring Run on June 26th to determine training zones.

    “Don’t dream of winning, train for it!”
    — Mo Farah, Olympic long-distance runner

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