June 12-18

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  • #8198

    Rachel Koroscil

    Please bring your blood test results to Alain by Thursday this week. Thanks!

    Here’s the plan for this week:

    Monday (12): Busy Evening!
    Static Shooting 4:30-6:00
    Athlete Only Meeting: 6:00-6:45
    Parent Question Period: 6:45-7:00
    If you have questions about the year, feel free to come ask.
    Doodle Signup for Individual Meetings: https://beta.doodle.com/poll/d2hef46v7bt9qirw

    Tuesday (13):
    Threshold test in running. This is a test that gives us an idea on your anaerobic threshold (also called lactate threshold). You will run hard for 15min and we will measure the distance that you cover. Arrive at the LGMS track at 4:45 to start your warm up. You will get about 30min to warm up, so come a bit early if you need more time than that (start running before we get there!). We will be done at 6:15pm.

    Wednesday (14):
    4:45-6:15. Strength at the bwtc plus a run.

    Saturday (17): 9:00-11:00 Easy Run Combo – With Poles

    Have you organized your tenting and partners for those of you attending the Kaslo camp?

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