June 12-18

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello U16/U18,

    Those who are heading to Kaslo should have received the camp doc from Stu last week. Be sure to read through it all.  Lots of good info in there.

    Training this week:

    4:45-6:45 Classic rollerski and strength in the gym.  We will go easy on the legs today to keep you fresh for tomorrow’s run.  Group split today: Males and Females.  Males Gym first, Females rollerskiing first.

    6:00-7:15 -> 3,000M run with Foothills Nordic and XC Bragg Creek at the Nakoda Elementary School Track

    Current plan: Males start at 6:30, Females start at 6:45.  Mass start run.  It is a proper 400M track, so you will be doing 7.5 laps.  Coaches will be timing, but you need to have your heartrate monitor and start a new file for the run.  This is very valuable data we can collect and help calculate your training zones.  Give us your Average and Max HR at the end of the run.

    You will be on your own for your warm up.  First year U16, start with our standard 10, 4, 2, 1, 1.  Older athletes, you should have gotten your warm up more personalized and dialed in by now. Talk to your coach if you have questions.

    5:00-6:00 Females strength with Chelsea
    6:00-7:00 Males strength with Chelsea

    “Don’t let fatigue make a coward out of you.” -Steve Prefontaine (one of the best North American long distance runners known for really digging deep in the pain cave to set new records for distances varying from 2,000M to 10,000M)

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