June 13-19 * Updated Wednesday at 10am

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    Alain Parent

    Monday, June 13:
    TTS – Development

    Strength in the gym with Chelsea

    445-500. Bike up to the BWTC (unless it’s a serious downpour!). Arrive at the bwtc desk at 500 (bring clean shoes please). You will be done with the session at 615 and can then bike back home.

    Tuesday, June 14:

    Strength at the BWTC.

    U18: In the gym 445-545, then a 45min run outside after. Done at 630.
    U16: Arrive at the gym at 530, you will do mobility and stationary bike for 15min then your strength session. Done at 645. No outside component today.

    Wednesday, June 15:
    Multi, Primo

    STUR. See course map below. The course is 1 km long with 104 meters of ascent. We use this course for testing fitness from month to month, and year to year.

    It’s important to do a good warm. The one you would do for a sprint qualifier in the winter. Something like this:
    > Start the intensity segment in your warm up after about 10 minutes of slow running.
    > The intensity segment is best done “interval training format” with a 3-4 minute recovery between each effort, and a progressive buildup effort such as:

    • 1 X 2min at Z3
    • 1 X 1min at Z4
    • 1 X 45sec at Z5
    • 2 X 30-45sec at Z6  IMPORTANT: Do your last intensity at the pace you want to start your race
    • Easy movements at the start line. Don’t get to the start too early. 5min before is plenty

    Here is the document Anatomy Of A Warm Up to further explain what a warm up is about.

    Wear your heart rate monitor and chest strap. Draft start list below – email Alain by Wednesday morning if you can’t make it so we can adjust the start list (alain.parent@canmorenordic.com).


    Start list and results HERE

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