June 2-8

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  • #7529

    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello Team,

    Welcome to June. The sun is shining and the time is here to get out and enjoy the mountains we call home. First off we have our team meeting this Thursday, June 5th at 6:15pm in the Bill Warren. We ask that at the MINIMUM you (the athlete) or 1 parent attend. We will be covering the season to come and it is important that you can receive all the necessary information and ask any questions you may have.

    Second, if you not going to the July AST camp, it is strongly recommended that you attend the CNSC bike camp. As an endurance athlete, building a foundation of training through long zone 1 distance workouts is what separates average from great. Road biking is one of the best ways to build this foundation in the summer. Also, it is fun; just ask those who attended last year’s camp. So, if you are in the valley those days, you should take the initiative and sign up. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjD4IpvHy8sWdEJ6ZTFpOEctakctUGhCUG93TU5yYmc&usp=sharing

    Training this week:
    Tuesday(3) 5:00-6:45 The AMAZING TEAM CHALLENGE. Meet at Riverside Park with running gear and drink belts.

    Thursday(5) 4:30-6:00 Run, games, and strength. Meet at the team room. Remember a snack and dry clothes because you will go from training to the team meeting.

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