June 23-July 1st training- small change for T2

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    Hey Team:
    Big camp week! I am looking forward to the National Team Camp as I am sure you all are too.

    Here is the plan for the week.

    Tuesday, June 24th (all groups): 4:30-6:45* (A little later this week is expected due to big week hours)
    TW: Z1 rollerski combo with sprints
    TC/T2: Z1-3 Skate rollerski and ski strength combo
    ** TC’s: I am starting position work drills with you at 4:30, dont be late! please arrive as early as possible or you will miss out.

    Wednesday, June 25th (TW only): 8:30-10:30
    Z1-3 ski strength combo

    Thursday, June 26th (all groups): 4:30-6:45* (little later as usual with strength)
    Warm-up combo and strength

    Friday, June 27th:
    A.M. (all groups). 8:30-10:30
    TC/T2: Z1 distance combo running
    TW: Warm-up combo and strength

    P.M. (TW/TC)- Rd Bike, Meet at Sheriton at 3:00p.m.

    Saturday, June 28th: (NST Camp)
    A.M. Skate rollerski technique
    P.M. skiwalking and strength
    Evening: Dinner and presentation from National Team

    Sunday, June 29th:
    A.M. NST Camp- Classic technique

    P.M. Z1 Combo session for TC/TW, Time Trial for T2’s.

    Monday, June 30th:
    TW/TC: CL rollerski race up Sunshine Rd.
    T2: Skiwalk/Hike up Ha-Ling. Meet at Goat Creek Parking lot at 9:15am. Please bring ski walking poles!

    Tuesday, July 1st (ALL groups!!!!): Canada Day Race by CNSC. Please register now at http://www.zone4.ca. This is on your training plan as a race, so prepare yourself to go hard!

    It’ll be a jam packed week of good quality training and lots of learning. Please come focused and ready to absorb it all! 😀

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