June 24-30

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    Alain Parent

    Great run on Saturday. 21km is a half marathon. Superb!

    All T2, LC and LC+ must register this week in order to take part in workouts after July 1st. Last year’s insurance ends June 30th. If you pay 30% of your fees by June 30th, you pay $100 less. https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=21131

    Register here to register for the Canada Day Run: https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=21147

    Tuesday (25):
    Strength in the gym for the LC/LC+
    Two separate sessions because of limited space.
    4:45-6:00 LC/LC+ athletes born ’02 ’03 ’04. Inside the whole time. Meet at the BWTC.
    5:45-7:00 LC/LC+ athletes born ’05. Inside the whole time. Meet at the BWTC.

    Wednesday (26):
    Uphill Monitoring Run 🙂
    Don’t eat a large snack before the test. If you have never done this test, your coach will explain to you. If you have, it’s the same formula as always. Meet at the team room, 1645-1815. We might go over by 15 min.

    Thursday (27):
    Workout for LC/LC+.
    We will skate rollerski and go over the mobile strength plan that you will do for the next few weeks. Important to attend if you want to know the plan. Meet at the entrance of bwtc. Bring gym gear and RS gear.
    XC to go in gym first at 1645, followed by biathletes at 1730. All done by 1815.

    “Passion first and everything will fall into place.”
    – Holly Holm

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