June 27- July 2

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    Rachel Koroscil

    Hello Biathletes,

    Summer has arrived! You know what that means, no school so more time to get out and train! :mrgreen: Summer is the best time to build your aerobic endurance which gets you fit and allows you to race faster.

    By now you all should have gotten your spring blood test done. Please share your results with me when you get them back from your doctor.

    You all should have received the trip documents for our first 2 camps of the summer: Kaslo and Haig. If you have any questions at all, please ask.

    Be sure to register for the Canada Day Run- 10km for LCs. https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=11941&lan=1&cartlevel=1

    CNSC Program Registration is now open for the 2016/2017 season. Register before July 1 before fees increase. https://zone4.ca/regc.asp?id=12649&lan=1&cartlevel=1

    This year CCA is hosting a province wide training camp September 9-11 in Jasper. This is a great opportunity to meet athletes from across the province, have fun, and get in a solid weekend of training. Registration for the camp is now open, but you have until August 5th to sign up. Details and camp schedule on the zone4 registration page. I am one of the lead coaches for the camp, so let me know if you have any questions. https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=12720

    Training this week:
    Monday (27) – 4:30-6:00 – Biathlon Running with Poles

    Tuesday(28): 4:30-6:00 Strength Test. Meet at the teamroom. This is a tool to measure your strength progression, and see how the strength programs are working in comparison to other years. Come on out and give it all you have.

    Thursday(30): 4:30-6:00 Race Prep. Meet at LGMS Track to prepare for tomorrow’s Canada Day Run.

    Friday(1) Canada Day 10km Run: 8:15 Meet at the Start/Finish for our team warm up. Arrive a little early to get your bib so we can start running at 8:15.
    LC2s- Immediately after the race find Matt or Rachel to help with tear down of the event.

    July 2-8: Kaslo Camp, see trip document.

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