June 29-July 5

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  • #7702

    Rachel Koroscil

    Almost done our shooting block! One more day… Great work everyone, high fives all around!

    We have a lot going on this week so I have copied the physical workouts onto here and added the biathlon specific workouts in order to make it easy to track everything happening. I will try to do this each week so all your training information is available in one location.

    Monday(29): 9:00-10:30 Running intensity. Meet at the LGMS track.
    LC2s who have not done the 15 minute threshold test will be doing your test today. It is necessary for you to have your heart rate monitor, and know how to use it to find your average heart rate.
    All other LC2 and LC1 athletes will be doing a fartlek on the 8km Canada Day Run course. (BIATHLON – will be doing combo in our shooting session – see below)

    11:30-1:00 Shooting Block – Session 5!
    Final session in the block. Bring your roller skiing equipment!

    Tuesday(30): 10:00-11:00 GAME DAY! We will meet at Millennium Park. Bring your a-game as Allison has returned and is ready to have some fun.

    Wednesday(1): 8:15 CANADA DAY RUN. We will meet as a team at the start/finish area at LGMS to do a group warm up for the race.

    Thursday(2): Bike to Bill Warren for strength at 10:15. Spin/Cycle for 15 minutes as a warm-up for strength. Be done strength by 11:15 to head out to the range for an easy combo shooting session from 11:30 to 1:00. BRING BIKES!

    Saturday(4): 7:30PM- If you are going to Kaslo and need to have your bike transported over in the trailer, bring it to the team room tonight. Matt will be there and we will pack the trailer this evening.

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