Korean Exchange

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  • #8028

    Rachel Koroscil

    CCA Is looking for host families for their Korean exchange. They will be in Canmore during the Ab Cups. Please read below and get in touch with CCA directly if you are interested.

    We are looking for about 4-5 host families for our upcoming International Sport Exchange Program with Gangwong Province, South Korea.

    There are 15 delegates coming to Alberta, from Nov. 20-29, 2016, to participate in sport and cultural exchange. Of the delegation, there are 10 (male) athletes, aged 13-18 which we would like to send to a host family for an evening to experience “typical” Canadian home life. There will be a minimum of 2 athletes with each family, from 4pm-9pm, November 26, 2016.

    The expectation of the exchange is that the Korean athletes would be picked up at 4pm at the Coast Canmore Hotel, they would visit your home, interact with your family and eat a meal with you, and be returned to the hotel by 9pm.

    We hope that you will be interested and willing to participate in this portion of the exchange. Please contact either Lee Speed, 780-938-5337 or Michael Neary 780-288-1738, if you have any further questions

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