Lake Louise Camp

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  • #6048


    Our LL camp is a go!! WAHOOOOO! There is lots of snow at LL, with more falling as I write…

    Here is the plan:
    Friday: Meet at 9:30am at the LL Hostel
    2x workouts plus we stay the night
    Dinner at 5:30-6:00- If you can’t make the workouts friday please join us for supper!

    Saturday: 2 workouts and stay the night. There will be a strength seminar in the evening.

    Sunday: Time Trial and distance, finished and ready for pickup by 12:00pm at the LL hostel.

    Important items for bring:
    – Classic and skate gear (cleaned and scrapped!!!!). You need rock ski’s and race ski’s + poles, boots etc.
    – Headlamp (for skiing)
    – Training clothing for warm AND for temps around -15!! It willl be cold in the mornings!
    – No sleeping bag or towel needed. You can bring your pillow if needed
    – Training snacks, sport drink
    – The usual clothing and items for hanging in a hostel.

    Winter is here!…. well it’s in LL anyway, and we are going there! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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