LC1 and LC2 Biathlon Program – Jan 25 – Feb 1 UPDATED

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  • #7690

    Rachel Koroscil

    Hi Everyone:

    +The race in Camrose has been cancelled. Updated information is below.+

    Rather an interesting weekend in Edmonton. The warm weather is playing havoc with all sorts of events and venues. I skied out to the range in Camrose on the way home today. If it got cold and if it snowed a bit, they could run the race on the weekend. However the snow bit does not appear in the forecast. Until we officially hear otherwise we will continue with our race prep. If Camrose is out, we will have a time trial with Foothills on Saturday at Mt. Shark. Alain reports that the trails are awesome at Mt. Shark. So this week….

    Monday – Rest Day
    Tuesday – 4:30 – 6:30LC1/LC2 Practice
    – Focus on recovery, analyze the Edmonton races and work on shooting skills.
    – Strength with XC

    Wednesday – Off

    Thursday – 4:30 – 5:45
    – Biathlon practice with some intensity – Strength at 5:50

    Saturday- Nipika Loppet – Register on Zone 4 by Wednesday @ 23:59

    For those not going to the Nipika Loppet, Practice at 9:00 – 10:30

    See you on Tuesday.


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