LC1/LC2 Biathlon – June 22 – June 30

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    Rachel Koroscil

    Hi Everyone:

    I hope you all enjoyed the weekend and were able to get out in the sun and enjoy the great outdoors. It is the last week of school, I do not know about you but I am ready for summer holidays. This week is the last of the Tuesday/Thursday practices, We start the summer schedule on July 7th. So this week is:

    Tuesday – June 24 – 4:30-5:50 w/ Geret and Emma, then strength in the gym. It is time for precision testing. Time to test yourself to gauge your progress. If you cannot compete the test on Tuesday, it will be run again on Thursday.

    Thursday – June 26 – 4:15 – 6:00 w/ Jeff and Garth. Precision test for those who did not get it done on Tuesday.

    In addition to the scheduled training for July and August we will be having a number of shooting blocks over the summer for intense practice. You can attend all or part of the block depending on your schedule.

    Sat, June 28 – Mon, June 30 – Shooting block.

    Sat – June 28 9:00 – 11:00 and 1:00-2:30
    Sun – June 29: 9:00 – 11:00 and 1:00 – 2:30
    ***Mon – June 30: Change of time to: 1:00 – 2:30***

    Thursday, July 17 and Friday, July 18 – 2 x per day – Details to follow

    Thursday, August 7 and Friday, August 8 – 2 x per day – Details to follow

    Monday, August 25 and Tuesday, August 26 – 2 x per day – Details to follow

    If you have any questions please discuss this with us at practice or send me and email.


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