LC!/LC2 – May 25 – June 2

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  • #7524

    Rachel Koroscil

    Hi Everyone, I hope you had a good weekend. We had great weather so there was lots of time to get out and play.

    A few notices:

    1. Our team meeting that was planned for May 29 will now be held on Thursday, June 5 at 6:15pm after training. As initially planned we will cover the year to come and answer any questions you might have.

    2. The strength session on Tuesday evening are important for your continued development. If you can not make the Tuesday sessions please speak with a coach to get an alternate plan.

    This Week:

    Tuesday, May 27 – 4:30 – 6:00 w/ Geret. Buff Precision Shooting Contest

    Thursday, May 29 – 4:15 – 6:00 w/ Jeff. If you have roller skis please bring them.
    * There may be issues with this practice due to a range inspection. Practice is on unless you hear differently from me.

    See you;


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