Great Reminder from Alain:
The racing season is coming to a close soon. Lets make these last few races the best of the year. Manage your energy well, get lots of rest and sleep before heading off to Nationals. Go to bed 1 hour earlier starting on Wednesday.
Mon, March 5: 4:30-6:00 Skate Combo with Climbing
Tues, March 6: Off
Wednesday: 4:30-6:00 Skate Combo with Speed, Registration Deadline for Hinton
Thurs, March 8: 4:30-6:00 Skate Combo Intensity
Fri-Sun, March 9-11: Provincials in Hinton
Training Day: 1-2:30 for Race Prep
Mon, March 12: Off
Training on your own on Training Peaks for most of the week. Jeff will run 2 sessions.
Thurs, March 15: 4:30-6:00 with Jeff Skate Combo
Sat, March 17: 9-10:30 with Jeff Skate Combo Intensity