March 1 – March 8

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  • #5714

    Rachel Koroscil

    Hi Everyone:

    Thanks for all your patience during the IBU Cups and being flexible with your schedules.

    It was nice to see many of you out on Monday even with the colder weather. For the rest of this week…

    Wednesday, March 4 – 5:00-6:30, Z1 skate ski. Meet at CNSC office.

    For those going to Nationals – pick up uniforms – dryfire

    Thursday, March 5 – 5:00-6:30, classic time trial. Meet at CNSC office

    Friday, March 6 – I have requested lanes at CNC, if we cannot get lanes there we will drive to Mt. Shark at 4:00. More info will come to you by email.

    Saturday, March 7 – Stay tuned to the XC website for info on a ski OR for biathletes, volunteer at the last IBU Cup race.

    Sunday, March 8 – 9:00 – 10:30 – CNC – LC1 and LC2

    Have a good week.


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