March 13-21 *Updated Mar 15*

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello U14s,

    We have reached the final 2 weeks of the season!  Team training will be wrapping up, but it is still great to get out and be active on your own, or with all those other great sports you all do.

    For the second year U14s, Matt will be sending an email and organize a meeting to cover what next year (first year U16) will look like. Keep an eye out for that in the next week. Meeting will likely be March 22 or 23. We coaches are working on the schedule for Spring and summer team training and that will be shared shortly as well.

    Team training:

    Monday(13) Skate @ CNC
    5:00-6:30 Skate Ski, meet in the XC stadium

    Tuesday(14) Skate @ CNC
    5:00-6:30 Skate Ski, meet in the XC Stadium

    Saturday(18) Fun day w/ Foothills Nordic
    Foothills Kings Court and Waffles – Canmore Nordic Track Attack/U14 has been invited to an event hosted by Foothills Nordic in Confederation Park in Calgary. This is a free and informal event. There will be no zone 4 timing. It will be a Kings Court style terrain park sprint and inter-club relay. Arrive 9 am and racing starts at 10:00 am. Coach Michel Tessier will attend. This is a casual event and please offer to volunteer when you arrive. Sara is unconfirmed. Sign up: click here.

    More info from Foothills who is organizing this fun little event here

    Monday(20) Skate @ CNC
    5:00-6:30 Tonight the 3rd year TA will join us for a sessoin. Meet in the XC Stadium

    Tuesday(21) Skate @ CNC
    5:00-6:00 Final Day of team training.  We will ski out to the meadow hut, make a little jump, do some skiing, eat some pizza, then ski back to the stadium.  Matt will order pizzas with the money raised from waxing skis for the LGMS ski fleet.  To help order the correct number of pizzas, please send Matt an email by Monday @ 6PM if you will be attending the session. Pick up is at 6pm, just a 1hr session tonight.

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