March 16-22 trainig week

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  • #6306


    Hi Team

    Here is the plan for our final week of club training.

    Tuesday T2-TC-TW (17): Z1 CL combo and precision test

    Wednesday T2-TC-TW (18): Z1 SK combo with sprints with precision shooting

    Thursday T2-TC-TW (19): 2 groups:
    1) Z1-5 combo intervals
    2) Those back from XC Nationals: Z1 combo for 1.0hr then ski to finish hours (some have long ski)

    Saturday (21): 2 groups:
    1) Those not going to Biathlon Nationals (Sam, Rhea, Pavan): Sharkfest! Please register at

    2) Those attending Biathlon Nationals:
    Short Biathlon TT. 9:00 zero starts. TT starts at 9:40am.

    Sunday (22): Sharkfest for group 1. Group 2, training from plan on own

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