March 22 – 28 – last week of the season

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  • #6532

    Alain Parent

    Great job at the Nationals…….

    Here’s the plan for this week:

    Tue (24): Rest day

    Wed (25): Ski on your own 45-60 minutes in skating

    Thu (26): Capture the flag with the TT’s and biatlhetes! Meet at 4:45pm at the team room. Skate ski out to the mine scar. Then we will play capture the flag without our skis!

    Pizza and juice party 6:00 at the team room. Please bring $5.00 to cover the cost of pizza and juice.

    Fri (27): Easy Z1 run for 30min.

    Sharkfest: Last Alberta Cup races of the season. Saturday and Sunday.
    Registration closes this Wednesday evening on zone 4.
    Check out the link to the RMR website Here you will find the race notice and other information.
    Look for wax recommendations later in the week.
    Team sprints – choose your own partner.

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