March 5-11

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    Hi Team

    Great job in Camrose, everyone is putting together some great races. I can see you are all skiing very fast and getting the shooting. Some have had some exceptional range performances already this year and recently, others I can see are on the brink of a breakout performance.

    This is our final training week before nationals, therefore the volume of training will be low, intensity of training pretty high and frequency of training high. You will shoot a lot of bullets on Tuesday, otherwise the shooting sessions will not be too much shooting each day. However, it is important to attend each day so you practice with your rifle on most days this week (frequency high, volume low). This will allow you all to perform your best in Quebec.

    Those not attending Nationals: we should talk about race options around Canmore for those weeks!

    On the weekend we will start at 9am, no sleeping in since we are heading out east and therefore jumping ahead 2 hrs (i.e. having to get up 2 hrs early). You will all need to get used to getting up early so please head to bed early each night.

    Tuesday (6): 4:30-5:45pm: Z1 classic combo. Short precision, drills and easy combo, mostly shooting (30-45min physical only)

    Wednesday (7): 4:30-6:30pm. Drills, Z1 SK combo, few sprints and gym strength (easy session)

    Thursday (8): 4:30-6:00pm. Z1-4 SK combo. It won’t be a long session, but you will go hard 😛

    Friday (9): Your choice: Day off or 20-30min run. Dryfire 15-20min! Make a race plan for Saturday’s TT.

    Saturday (10): 9-11:00am. Biathlon Individual TT, 4 shootings, 1.25k loop

    Sunday (11): 9-10:30am. Easy classic combo

    It’s is important that you rest hard this week as well! You have all worked very hard all year, I have been very impressed with that. So now it’s time to relax/rest a bit and gain the full benefit of your year of training. Expect to feel great in Quebec!

    When not training: take time to recover, have a nap, get to bed early, relax, have some fun with friends etc. Also it’s very important to eat very well (plenty of veggies) and stay hydrated all week. If you can get ahead in school that would also be nice, that way you are care free for the next 1-2 weeks in Quebec 🙂

    See you all Tuesday

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