May 11-24

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello Team,

    Spring is in the air, and that means it is time to get building that foundation. Remember, you want to get out to train about 5 days per week. If you are active with other sports, that is great, but be sure to get out for some sessions of about 1 hour of consistent zone 1. If you are not doing other activities, it is great to come to team training, see your ski buddies, and get fitter together.

    Team training for the next 2 weeks:
    Tuesday(12): 4:45-6:15 Zone 1 run with speed/agility. Meet at Riverside Park.

    Wednesday(13): 4:45-6:15 Games and Strength. Meet at the team room. Remember your clean indoor shoes for the gym. If you do not have a pair at the BWTC, look around your house and bring an old pair to keep at the gym. This way you will always have a clean pair of shoes for the gym. 🙂

    Thursday (14) – Monday(18) VERNON CAMP! See trip document distributed by Alain last week.

    Tuesday(19): 4:45-5:30 Wildlife talk and Bear Spray practice with Bow Valley Wild Smart. We spend lots of time out in the woods with wildlife, so it is very good to brush up those skills and be prepared. No physical training today. Presentation in the Haig Room at the Bill Warren Training Centre.

    Wednesday(20): 4:45-6:15 Run and Strength. Start and finish at the Boat Launch.

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