May 14-20

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  • #9051

    Alain Parent

    Great training in Vernon. That was a great camp. 2018-19 is officially going!

    I know you are tired today and will be the next few days. We will still go ahead and do some intensity on Tuesday. This will finish off the work for the camp. Here’s the plan for this week:

    Focus: 1 intensity session and general recovery/rest

    Tuesday (15): 4:45-6:15pm. Meet at LGMS track for some running intensity. There will be 2 different intensity programs (T2 and LC/LC+).

    Wednesday (16): LC/LC+ only. 4:45-6:15pm. Strength in the bwtc gym.

    The remainder of the week is easy, but not completely off. Check your TP or you will receive an email from Matt.

    LC+ (from last year) individual meeting this upcoming Friday. I will circulate a sign up sheet.

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