May 16-22 * Updated at 340pm

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  • #15214

    Rachel Koroscil

    Hello U16 & U18’s !

    Note from Alain: Spring time is here! I hope you all had a fun spring, a good rest, and your batteries are all recharged after an exciting season of racing. Spring is the time to get out and enjoy all the fun sports we can do. If you are playing soccer, running track, biking, or any other sport and can not make it to organized team training, don’t get stressed about it. The important thing is getting out the door 6 days a week for some sort of activity. Of course, if you don’t have another activity during CNSC planned training time, we want to see you! Becoming a good skier doesn’t just happen, it comes down to getting out and accomplishing your training.

    We will just have 3 team sessions before leaving for our annual spring camp in Vernon, more details to come about the camp shortly.

    I recommend you get out for 3-4 bike rides this week.

    Remember to get your range passes and complete your Biathlon Alberta/Canada memberships before training starts. 

    Please register in your program by May 15th HERE. You will only find multi and primo streams to sign up for. If you are interested in Team Trail Sports, choose primo and fill in the TTS application. We will announce TTS members in a couple weeks.

    Monday, May 16:
    TTS – Development

    Strength with Chelsea and Static Shooting

    445-730. Bike up to the BWTC. Arrive at the BWTC desk at 500 (bring clean shoes please). You will be done with the session at 615 and head to the range for 1h of static shooting. Done at 730pm. Please bring a snack for after strength. Bike home.

    Tuesday, May 17:
    Primo, TTS-Dev

    Strength and Core Strength Shooting at the BWTC

    Biathletes: At 445 meet at the BWTC desk and you will start with the gym (bring clean shoes for the gym). At 545 go to the range for core combo (bring outdoor running shoes and clothes).

    Wednesday, May 18:
    Multi, Primo, TTS-Dev

    BIKING CANCELLED. We will run instead. Meet at Riverside Park at 445. We will run until 600.

    445-630: Road bike ride. Meet at Travel Alberta. Make sure your bike is in good working order. Check your tires for cracks, pump them up to 80-90psi, check your break pads, lube your chain, and be sure all is running smoothly before you take off down the street. Bring a tube that fits your rim with you. A pump helps too!

    Remember that it’s way cooler on a bike than running, so dress warmly!

    Thursday, May 19:
    Multi, Primo, TTS-Dev

    445-615: Biathlon Practice – Running Combo

    Saturday, May 21:
    Multi, Primo, TTS-Dev

    9-11:00: Biathlon Practice with some Ski Striding. Please bring ski striding poles.

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